Denver Green School Northfield
DGS Northfield provides students with an engaging learning experience, that is focused on real-world issues. Through our excursion program and with a broad lens of sustainability, we leverage meaningful learning opportunities that bring the most out of our students.
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Here is our 3/13 Thursday Folder
Here is our 3/6 Thursday Folder
Here is our 2/27 Thursday Folder
Here is our 2/20 Thursday Folder
Here is our 2/13 Thursday Folder
DGSN Students Newspaper
Issue #1: September 3rd, 2024
Issue #2: September 19th, 2024
6th Grade Enrollment in 2025-26
**[Updated March 16, 2025]**
We recently reviewed preliminary choice data for the 2025-26 school year. Often, choice results go to families right around spring break. 164 6th graders will be offered a seat in Choice Round 1. The breakdown is 2 students of staff members, 55 in-zone sibling preference, 6 FRL priority block and 100 in-zone non-sibling preference. There project to be 189 students on the waitlist. Of those 189, 77 are in-zone non-sibling preference. So, of the 177 in-zone non-sibling preference students interested in coming to DGSN, 56.5% will be offered a seat in choice round 1 and 43.5% will start on the waitlist. We will use this space to consistently update the likelihood of waitlist students getting in to DGS Northfield. We prefer families not email directly, as we take time to update this space with accurate information for all.
Please know that waitlist numbers can change. You get closer to getting in (lower waitlist number) when we offer a seat to someone ahead of you. You get lower on the waitlist (higher number) if an in-zone sibling preference or FRL priority block student applies during choice round 2, as these students go to the top (*this is actually a very small number of students).
Below is the projected likelihood of being offered a seat based on initial choice round 1 waitlist positions. These projections are for ‘being offered a seat anytime before mid-September 2025’. The students that are closer to position 1 are more likely to be offered in the spring / early summer. The students further back are more likely to be offered a seat after school starts. Please know this is just a guess, don’t hold us to this, we are only sharing this because we empathize with people on the waitlist.
Positions 1-5: 99% of being offered a seat
Positions 6-10: 85%
Positions 11-15: 65%
Positions 16-20: 50%
Positions 21-25: 35%
Positions 26-30: 25%
Positions 31-35: 12%
Positions 36-40: 8%
Positions 41-50: 2%
Positions 51-60: 1%
Positions 61-189: <1%
7th/8th Grade Waitlist 25-26
The 7th and 8th grade waitlist moves slower than the 6th grade waitlist in the spring and summer, but picks up in August and September.
Positions 1-2: 90% of being offered a seat
Positions 3-4: 75%
Positions 5-6: 60%
Positions 7-8: 45%
Positions 9-10: 35%
Positions 11-12: 25%
Positions 13-14: 20%
Positions 15-16: 15%
Positions 17-20: 10%
Positions 21-25: 5%
Positions 26-30: 1%
Positions 31-52: less than 1%
November 9th Dance
Main Office Information
Attendance: Attendance line 720.423.8201; Text message 720.237.3421. Here are DPS & DGSN Attendance Policies.
Main Office: To reach the main office, please email, or call 720.423.8200.
Early-Pick-Up: To pick up your child, please call 720.423.8200 5-10 minutes before arrival. Please do not pick-up your child between 3:30-3:50 as this is a busy time for us in the office.
Nursing: If you need help from our school nurse, you can email
Clubs & Athletics: You can email Ashton is also a full-time 6th grade math teacher, so be patient with reply time.
Sick Student During School: If your student is not feeling well in school, they should come tell Ms. Roxana or Ms. Tina, so we can support them. Parents should not directly message students to arrange pick-up.
Transportation: This spreadsheet shows the bus stops as DGS Northfield received them. Transportation questions should go to or 720.423.4600.
Lunch Menu: You can see what is for lunch on SchoolCafe. We are listed as “Inspire-Denver Green at Inspire”.
School Trips: Here is a document families can use to register for 8th grade trips to Panama and Washington DC. These are trips organized by teachers outside of normal school instructional time.
Great School Report Card
DGS Northfield is proud that our 94.7 School Performance Framework is the highest report card of any K-8, Middle School or High School in Denver for this past school year. Check out for yourselves how our students grew.

Order DGS Merch
Use this link to purchase any merchandise. It will send an automated form to Tina Lin & Roxana Perez and they will respond with next steps for purchasing.
Class of ‘24